Therapy methods The chosen treatment method depends on the type of illness as well as the current state of health of your dog.
Following therapies are possible: bioresonance therapy (Regumed / BICOM optima mobile) electrotherapy (Amplivet, mobile device) colorlight-hormesis (Reg-light HOM) magnetic field therapy (Advanced Medical Systems GmbH, MEDICUR) message therapy medical gymnastics manual therapy acupressure lymph drainage passive exercise therapy apparatus therapy hot and cold treatment neurological treatment scar treatment respiration therapy food advice
©2023 HundeREHA powered by
Therapy methods The chosen treatment method depends on the type of illness as well as the current state of health of your dog.
Following therapies are possible: bioresonance therapy (Regumed / BICOM optima mobile) electrotherapy (Amplivet, mobile device) colorlight-hormesis (Reg-light HOM) magnetic field therapy (Advanced Medical Systems GmbH, MEDICUR) message therapy medical gymnastics manual therapy acupressure lymph drainage passive exercise therapy apparatus therapy hot and cold treatment neurological treatment scar treatment respiration therapy food advice
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