Bioresonance therapy The Bicom bioresonance therapy is a special diagnosis method and belongs just like Homeopathy, Acupuncture and other therapies to the area of empirical medicine. This method has been used for over 30 years in human medicine and for over 15 years in the veterinary area to help small and large animals equally.
.This therapy method was developed in 1977 by German Dr. Franz Morell and the engineer Erich Rasche. Due to extensive scientific research works, it was confirmed that every person and every animal has an individual oscillation spectrum which can be used therapeutically. Chemical procedures in our bodies are controlled by electromagnetic oscillations. These individual oscillations are connected with each other and interact. Together they form the total oscillation spectrum of an animal its individual oscillation picture. By means of the Bicom device we are able to detect the real cause of illness that is in most cases usually hidden. The bioresonance is a gentle therapy without any medication.
BICOM    Bioresonanzmethode ®
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.This therapy method was developed in 1977 by German Dr. Franz Morell and the engineer Erich Rasche. Due to extensive scientific research works, it was confirmed that every person and every animal has an individual oscillation spectrum which can be used therapeutically. Chemical procedures in our bodies are controlled by electromagnetic oscillations. These individual oscillations are connected with each other and interact. Together they form the total oscillation spectrum of an animal – its individual oscillation picture. By means of the Bicom device we are able to detect the real cause of illness that is in most cases usually hidden. The bioresonance is a gentle therapy without any medication.
BICOM    Bioresonanzmethode ®
Bioresonance therapy The Bicom bioresonance therapy is a special diagnosis method and belongs just like Homeopathy, Acupuncture and other therapies to the area of empirical medicine. This method has been used for over 30 years in human medicine and for over 15 years in the veterinary area to help small and large animals equally.
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